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UPDATE - Deanna D - "I love what I'm learning"

I am always happy to help you out. And I've enjoyed seeing your fabulous photos with Ryan. So glad you get to travel the world with him!

Before the retreat, I had a normal IT career. And while it was good, it had become really routine and dull. Throughout the years I had considered doing different things but a fear of financial insecurity held me back. After the retreat I tried day trading, which I love, and shifted my focus in technology to data science, which I also love. I'm not a full time trader or full fledged data scientist at this point. These things take time, after all! However, in this journey, I've often referred back to my retreat notes and leveraged some of the exercises we did to give myself a confidence boost to continue stepping outside my comfort zone and making progress down my new path. My career path is no longer dull and routine. I love what I am learning and I am excited about the doors being opened to me. 

On the man front, well, I'm still really picky so no Mr. Wonderful for me yet. But I've noticed something odd. I have men come up to me a lot and tell me I'm beautiful. I'm not tall. I'm not thin. I don't have all the right curves in all the right places. At first I thought it was just some new approach they learned from a PUA. But they don't always try to continue the conversation to get contact details or anything. They pay the compliment and move on. Seriously - I was walking with my mother and this jogger stopped, took off his headphones and said, "I hope you don't think this is creepy, but I just had to say you are really beautiful." I thanked him and he put his headphones on and continued on his run. I can't say this is totally related to the retreat, and I really have no idea what is different about me, but it did not happen as often before. Weird, right?

I hope you are having a wonderful day where ever you are in the world!