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UPDATE - Nellie A - "No more social anxiety!"

Hi Natasha,

I saw your post on Facebook and wanted to share about how the retreat has impacted my life in regards to friendships and social growth.

I attended my first retreat in May of 2015. Back then I was socially anxious with an intense fear of rejection. I had a few close friends but didn’t venture out of my home much. I had one close friend whom I was very dependent on, especially in social situations. This friend was also someone who took me for granted and was extremely critical of me. I didn’t realize how small I felt around this person. 

As I began to surround myself with supportive women, I started to learn the difference between friends who lift you up and people who put you down. I began to set boundaries and relate to my friends in a healthier way. Those who were able to respect my new boundaries are still in my life. I distanced myself from those who were not able to accept the new me.

One of my goals after the retreat was to make new friends and be more social. I implemented rituals that supported this goal. I have to say that because of the retreat I am now really good at making new friends. The fear of rejection is gone. There is no more social anxiety! I've traveled to Cambodia by myself and just got done climbing a mountain with a group of people I didn't know (well, now we all love each other).

A lot of the closest friends I have now are women that have attended the MH retreats. Whether they attended my same retreat or another MH retreat, we all seem to connect on a deeper level and we have lots in common. We often get together for happy hours or birthdays, holidays, or just for fun. We’ve had slumber parties at my condo on the beach. I’ve traveled to New York for girls’ weekends two times this year. It is such a blessing to always have my tribe to talk to, celebrate victories with, or just have fun with.  I feel so grateful for all the lovely women in my life. I also feel that I’ve learned how to love others on a deeper level, without fear of rejection or judgement. I'm so grateful for all I've learned and grown in since the retreat!

Lots of love to you! xoxo




Hey Natasha!

As you requested, a few pictures from my hike. This is probably the hardest thing I've ever had to endure physically and mentally. But wow, it was so worth it! 

I signed up back in January and began to raise funds to fight human trafficking. Once the $10,000 were raised, I began to train my body for the climb and learn about the gear I needed. 

My body was prepared for the exercise but nothing could have prepared me for the altitude and lack of oxygen. It was tough but I got by with the help of an amazing team and experienced guides. We all conquered the mountains together. It was a beautiful experience and I've made some friends for life. Of course I always have to thank God for the influence you all have had in my life. I had the courage to take on this challenge because of all I've been learning from your team. This is just one small snapshot of the many things I've accomplished since I walked into my first MH retreat. I am so grateful! 

Lots of love, hugs, and blessings to you all!! xoxo